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Stella is here to help you get there :)

I am so glad you're here. 

I have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of clients find answers to some of life's most challenging questions:


  • What was I put on Earth to do?

  • Who am I? 

  • Why do I keep seeing butterflies everywhere? 

  • Why can't I stop thinking about my ex? 

  • Will I find love on Hinge?

  • I hate my job; should I quit?

I use a combination of tarot, esoteric astrology, and Jungian psychology to help you discover the divine symbolism in your life and create your dream reality. 

When I first went to Stella, I was pretty nervous (I had never done a reading before and expected it to be woo-woo and hard to understand). It was the exact opposite. She is funny and kind, and I felt like I was talking to one of my best friends. 
This was legit one of the best chart readings I've ever gotten. I've been deep into astrology for over five years and have never had someone break it down into the level of detail that you did (part of fortune?! I'd never heard of it before. Stella's wealth of knowledge about symbolism/astrology/tarot is truly impressive.
YOU ARE AMAZING!! I got the promotion that you helped me manifest yesterday. Spot-on reading, and I couldn't be happier.
After you helped me cut the cord with my ex-boyfriend, my acne cleared up overnight, and I lost 5 lbs (just like you said I would). After two years of feeling so down on myself, I finally feel so much lighter and more positive. 
Whether you want love, money, or a total glow-up, SEE STELLA. Through her manifestation coaching and tarot readings, she has fixed my entire life.
After struggling to find love for over a decade, I was *this close* to giving up. Thanks to Stella, I am now engaged to the man of my dreams. She gave me the confidence and clarity that I needed to keep going.

With years of experience and a deep connection to tarot and esoteric astrology, I am dedicated to helping each and every client unlock their full potential. My readings are tailored to each individual and deliver in-depth insights and guidance. As we explore your path together, you’ll find that anything is possible.

Intuitive Readings

As a certified Reiki Practitioner, I perform personalized energy healings and energetic cord cuttings; I help my clients make the most out of their lives, releasing negative energy and embracing positive change. 

Reiki Energy Healing

Whether it’s a birthday party, bachelorette party, or a small intimate gathering, I’m here to provide you with a unique, enlightening, and unforgettable experience. 

Group Readings & Events

I offer custom home cleansings and rituals to help bring positive energy and protection to your space. 

Home Cleansings

Each candle is infused with my specific blend of herbs, oils, and magic, designed to help you attract love, abundance, and all of your wildest dreams. Whether you’re new to the spiritual realm or a seasoned veteran, I’ll guide you through the manifestation process to help you reach your goals.

Manifestation Candles

If you need something beyond the services I offer, feel free to contact me and we can discuss how I can help.

Custom Services

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